Part 37: WHY???? [Warning: Disgusting]
WHY????Welcome back! Last time on ATOM RPG we made it to the Dead City and we got a quest from a lady named Agatha to rescue her missing not-crush Maksim. Today we're going to see how vile this quest is, and make no mistake, it is fucking vile.
I'm not kidding.

The first thing we need to do is press this switch. A ton of the map is gated behind this one door - including the Mushroom Cult bunker we need to escape this damn game - but also the extremely disgusting quest we're going to do today.

Fortunately, it is a straight shot to the "Technical Rooms", and I think I've made my point with the time wasting random encounters that we're going to skip right there.
I want you to imagine why Maksim might be missing, because you are almost certainly wrong.

Anyway, we are greeted by this man and his dog. You might think "oh, it's a well armed group of bandits". No.

I hope to God none of the people in this bunker are using real people's portraits.

Well, on the plus side, we know where they have Maksim.

Oh, so they have man-eating dogs. I mean, i guess that makes sense, this is the violent post-apocalypse after all.

Wait, what?

This is not going to end well.

I want to screenshot this so I can prove I'm not making this up. There's not enough

For once Fidel speaks for all of us.

Why the FUCK is this even in the game? Just wait, it gets worse.

What the actual fuck? If we take the middle option the entire bunker turns hostile and you murder them, which is what I did on my first playthrough. However, for the full ATOM experience we will be talking to the vast majority of these sick fucks (I missed a sister, but do you really want to read that?)

Is this supposed to be funny? Why is this in the game?

We nope the fuck out of there.
TheGreatEvilKing Assures You It Is Really This Fucked Up posted:
: There's a young guy here, who looks strong but sickly and he's moving like he's wounded. He's trying to cut you off with a crowbar, and you think he's, uh, special needs.
: Hey, you want to go to the cage? The cage is full. The last guy I put in the cage cried a lot so Daddy locked him in the pantry instead. Then I got yelled at for being "rabical" and short "tempered". Sorry, no cage.
: Wait, who's the guy?
: Oh, he came in as a guest. Daddy said outsiders bad, so I got scared and threw him in with the man eating dogs. Good thing we fed them! Otherwise there'd be a South Park reference!
: Can I talk to him?
: Yeah unless my sister is fucking him lol!
: Hey, man, you OK? You're walking kind of funny.
: No! No bad! No!
: It's cool, if you can't trust a wandering swordsman, who can you trust?
: Ok, don't tell anybody, but one day I saw my dad putting his dick in my sister, so I thought "I want to try that" and the next day I took off my pants and jumped on her. She screamed, and Daddy castrated me and threw my dick to our dogs!
TheGreatEvilKing: This is in the game.
: Heehee! Now I'm not horny any more, but the castration wound is infected and hurts!
: And what do you think of this?
: My father was totally right to cut my penis off and throw it to the dogs, but now I'm scared of the dogs because they thought my dick tasted good!
Yea this is actually in the game. Let's get Maksim and get out of there.

We can find this lady in the pantry.

Get away from me witch.

I... no. Get away! Get away!

Once again, I am going to post the screenshot to show I am not making this up.

Why! Why do we need a fucking incest bunker in our funny reference Russian Fallout?

I get it. This is obviously bad, but what purpose does it serve to the story? The best you can say is that it's transgressive and shocking but to what end? What does this incest bunker have to do with the collapse of the Soviet Union? I get a lot of authors use incest as an obvious marker of societal decay, but this is just wallowing in it. It's handled clumsily, and it keeps getting worse.

I miss talking to Manya. I'm kind of glad, honestly.

If you're getting the impression the kids aren't the brightest bulbs, well... there's a reason for that.

I think this is supposed to make her more repulsive but we live off giant rat meat. Who the hell knows.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Jesus, you're ugly. You wanna fuck? Too bad, I'm not into outsiders anymore. I don't even like Maksim, my husband, he sucks.
: What's wrong with him?
: None of your business.
: Who are you, and what are you doing here?
: I'm Valya. I'm mom's replacement, I will have more children to continue our incest family. They will be regular, and not like the fucked up incest mutants I had before with my father.
: What the fuck is this place?
: Oh it's a train where stupid people rode before the big boom, and now they're all dead so we don't have to share our food. Yay! I love eating rats!
: Time to nope out!
So you can probably guess what happened to poor Maxim, but we have more denizens of this shitty bunker to meet.

Yea she's not gonna help.

How do you make this traumatic nonsense so dull, narrator?

Somehow I missed that first option, Jesus H Christ.

What the fuck? What the actual FUCK?

I don't even. Is this supposed to be a parody of the Soviet or post-Soviet education system? The education system for the country that invented the god damn spaceship?

How about you shut the fuck up?

See, its funny because Hexogen has an inflated ego. When we are seriously discussing how the mother of the year over here allowed her son to be castrated after the son tried to rape the daughter after they raised him to be a dumbass and he saw his father doing it first. Fuck this quest. Fuck this game. this a critique of home schooling?

On that, we nope the fuck out.
It keeps getting worse posted:
: Please talk to my husband. My kids and are are being abused so I'm helping isolate us.
: You know he castrated your son, right?
: N-no, it was a fungal infection!
: You also know he raped Valya, right?
: N-no, she imagined it.
: Bullshit.
: Well, everyone makes mistakes. My husband was going to repopulate humanity by raping our daughters, but apparently his sperm made fucked up mutant babies. Why do you keep talking about this shit?
: Jesus Christ no wonder your kids are fucked up.
: It is the result of my genius' husband's teaching theories - the kids will never need to read or any of that shit, because everything is blown up and sucks! So we taught them to have a mental age of five and to focus on barebones survival!
: How could you deny them my books? This is a great time to joke in this rape incest bunker!
: God damn you're a piece of shit and part of the problem.

Let's see what this dipshit has to say for himself.

Oh fuck you.

There is an irony in him making his kids too stupid to talk about his theories with.

I think this is a homeschooling joke? It's still fucking disgusting.

Oh, yes, we will get to poor Maksim.

Oh fuck off.

Ok I am 99% sure this is meant to be a parody of the "profiled" educators, which is not something I can speak to re the Russian curriculum. It is deeply unfunny and offensive.

We need 9 personality to pull this off. Maybe I could have burned items to get there, but that sounds like a job for a pacifist and we are absolutely executing this motherfucker.

skip some menus.

Jesus fuck! I in no way shape or form want to defend what Pavka tried to do to his sister, but it is notable he only tried that because he was raised to be stupid as hell and saw this disgusting man do it first.

I'm with Fidel here, but the hole keeps getting deeper.

Ok, you did it because you wanted power instead of being horny, you piece of trash.

Fuck. You.

I am very tempted to take option 1, but we need to find Maksim first.
Well, ok, we don't, but... I end the conversation here.
The Pit Is Upon Us posted:
: Ah, you agitated my son. I am Vladimir Ivanovich. I talk on behalf of my family because I'm an abusive piece of shit!
: Who are you and what is going on here?
: Well, you see, I was a genius teacher who stripped all the arts and music out because I foresaw the apocalypse, so I taught the kids guns and how to use this game's shitty crafting system! Then I got fired, because those dumb parents wanted their kids to learn art! See, this whole incest bunker is a home schooling parody! Lol! Lol! Lol!
: Dude, what the hell kind of family is this?
: I raised my kids to be stupid, because the world is broken and they don't need to understand it! Debate me, bro!
: Fool, I have 144 speechcraft! Get rekt!
: You need 9 personality, noob!
: Lol dumbass.
: I'm not the fuckup who castrated his own son.
: That's like, none of your business, man! Also I had to defuse his sex drive because he became a rapist completely unrelated to me showing him that rape was good! I didn't even teach him morality so he'll never know it was immoral! Wheee!
: You piece of dogshit!
: Whoa hang on Fidel, we're not wasting him yet. He still has to answer for why he raped his daughter.
: I got no sexual pleasure from it, I just wanted to validate my ego by repopulating the planet with my descendants! Then I learned there were more survivors doing survival stuff!
: My child, we can do nothing for this family except end their miserable lives.
: I, uh, need to make preparations and find something to cleanse my sword after I soak it in your blood, brb.

This is poor Maksim.

We got your back homie.

So, yes, if you haven't figured it out, Valya is raping Maxim.

He has four questions I skip.

Dude, you didn't even need to speculate, the way of the Cossack Sword does not leave innocent people behind in incest rape dungeons.

Alexander. Alexander, what the FUCK?
Also, the sister in law I didn't talk to apparently wants to escape from this place and has a similarly traumatic backstory. I am not reloading to play this shithole bunker again.

Are we really making a crack about Hexogen hiring a prostitute to rape his kid in the fucking incest rape dungeon?

We can lie so that he runs out and gets killed by these wackos, but we're not doing that.
TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Bro, you gotta help me! They're keeping me prisoner with no food and water so I can be raped by that Valya chick! They're totally nuts, and I think they're gonna eat me!
: You disgust me. I wish I had sexy women who would lock me in a closet so that all I had to do was fuck them.
: Dude, she's a fat cow!
: I am a simple legendary writer who would like grandkids and am certainly not planning on hiring a prostitute to rape my children so that my genius can skip a generation and I can claim credit for their novels.
: Dude, what the fuck???

Bear retroactively wins the argument with a convincing appeal to force.

This causes the entire family to go hostile, but I don't think there's anything you can actually do for the kids.

It's... not great, honestly! Valya is a rapist, but she's also a victim of horrific abuse.

I at least get dog armor from the penis eating dogs. Look, the ATOM writers put that into the game.

The son also dies.

We can report back to Maksim now.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Dude, HELP!
: I killed them all. You're free. And thank Agatha, she sent us.
: You and she fucking rule, new BFF!

We deliver Gosha's message to his brother, which nearly starts a fight.

We got played again! Ha ha!

Maxim insists we take a huge reward for our troubles.

That's it! That's the quest!
I haven't had too much to say because honestly ATOM is just wallowing in its own filth here. It doesn't need me to explain that when the writing is just so abhorrently dogshit. I suppose we can extend the ATOM writers credit they absolutely do not deserve after shit like the Pizzagate quest and the General Nasty quest and all the alt-right crap, because I am sure more ATOM fans are going to wander into the thread and point out that writers like Faulkner use incest as a theme to show moral decay and this quest is all about how in the absence of the Soviet Union's great culture we get this incest shit. Hell, even Game of Thrones uses stuff like Jaime and Cersei's incestual experimentation to characterize the Lannisters and the society of the Seven Kingdoms as decadent and corrupt. The problem is that Faulkner is using it to show how the South suffers from the original sin of slavery, and sexuality in Faulkner is never portrayed as titillating or a transgressive shock for the purposes of shock.
The problem is that this is so over the top and, in true ATOM fashion, lets the player wallow in the trash. It is broadly comparable to R. Scott Bakker's nonsense where his orcs are for adults because they cut new orifices to rape people with. Both Bakker and ATOM portray the rape and incest as bad, but it's a lazy way to convey abhorrence because it's just abusing shock at disgusting transgressions. ATOM goes one further by having Hexogen make a rape joke while poor Maksim is begging you to get him out of the rape dungeon. Furthermore, ATOM really doesn't have any credit left to stand on. We can accept something like Joffrey murdering the prostitute in Game of Thrones because the early seasons are carried by the cast, we have no patience for ATOM because it's wasted enough time with unfunny references and abhorrent garbage. Yes, Fidel wants to kill the father because he rightly understands that this questline is abhorrent, and both father and mother spew crap about how this is caused by the trauma of their world and the cycle of abuse and yadda yadda yadda, but this is just such a random inclusion in a game filled with random bullshit. Faulkner is about how the South is decaying and insular due to the legacy of slavery and the inbred aristocracy. Game of Thrones is about how terrible a lust for power is when unshackled from any constraints or considerations. Even Bakker can be generously considered to write about the horror of a world without free will where if you know what levers to pull you can make anyone do anything (although his recent works have disproven that notion). ATOM is about nothing except hiding behind the funny references and a conspiracy you cannot interact with in any way. This quest adds nothing. It does not flesh out the setting, it does not flesh out the characters whom we never see again, it's just transgressive and offensive shlock to disguise the underlying laziness and ineptitude of the developers. Fuck this quest, and fuck this game!
Next time: The Postman Conspiracy returns!